Aesthetics of Editing


Einstein looking at film. I found this picture and it reminded me of what editors/directors might do (except in modern day) in order to tell the story of the movie or TV show.

In Osgood and Hinshaw’s chapter on Visual Storytelling, I literally got a sense of how important treating film and editing like how someone would tell a story. Well duh, isĀ  probably what you are thinking when you think of every movie or TV show that you have ever seen, but I am talking about the cuts and the edits that the director has to make in order to tell that story that we recognize on the big or small screen.

What I enjoyed most about this chapter was the section called ” The Psychology of Editing”. The title may suggest that seems simple enough, but I had never realized how much thought is put into every cut and edit that a director makes while editing. It always just seemed that the script worked itself out and the director cut where he or she wanted to shorten it. A las, this is not the case.

For example, everyone knows about the saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words“, just as these two authors use in this chapter. What this chapter and this section made me think of more specifically is how boring our movies would be without the sounds and the dialogue over the picture. Awful in my opinion, but I guess some had to deal with it at some point!

Osgood and Hinshaw’s goal in this particular section is to portray to the reader just easy it is to change around a shot just by moving the camera to a different angle. editing2600
And it’s all truly a way in playing with the viewer’s emotions, deciding what angle or what cut is the most resonating or eye catching with the audience.

The video projects that we are working on now are only five minutes, but the amount of decisions and we have to make as “directors” or editors will either make or break our videos. This is what Osgood and Hinshaw want us to take away from this section; about how crucial these decisions are and who you should be thinking of when making these decisions.